Country Requirements United Kingdom and Ireland

Although the move to the UK/Ireland may seem daunting you can be well assured that we will be there every step of the way to make it a stress free experience. Our well established veterinary collaborations in UK/Ireland ensure that we can assist you with the most recent information to avoid any unforeseen costs. Combined with our packages that allow you to DIY whichever service you prefer you can be confident that you get the best value for money with the most knowledgeable team.

First things first

In order to travel with any pet around the world proper identification of the specific pet is needed. A name and photo is not sufficient. Before ANY vaccinations are done or blood is drawn a certified microchip needs to be inserted into the pet. The microchip links a unique identification code to YOUR specific pet and will verify that all necessary treatments have been conducted on your pet. This serves as their “ID”.

The rabies titres test is an important step in the international pet relocation process, and it is crucial that this test is conducted at the exact recommended time by an authorised laboratory. Why do you need a rabies titre test? When your pet received a rabies vaccination, the only proof of this vaccination is the paper immunisation record which the vet completes. Sometimes, there is a need for further proof that the vaccination has been administered, and a titre test is necessary to prove your pet has been immunised against rabies.

What happens? After your pet has received his/her microchip blood can be drawn by your vet and this is then sent to an authorised laboratory. At the laboratory the blood is tested for the presence of the antibody that neutralises rabies in your pet’s blood. The presence of this antibody in sufficient amounts proofs that the pet has been sufficiently vaccinated against and is immune to rabies. This amount is then reflected on the rabies titre test certificate that you will receive to use as proof for the process of travelling with your pet.

UK/Ireland Specific

A pet travelling to UK/Ireland must have microchip identification. This needs to be implanted before any treatment is performed. The microchip must be implanted. Vaccinations and the rabies titre test can now follow. As veterinarians ourselves you are in the best hands and you will need 4 or five visits and we will provide discount.

  1. 5-in-1 (Canine distemper virus, canine infectious hepatitis, canine adenovirus, canine parainfluenza virus and canine parvovirus)
  2. Rabies
  3. Bordetella bronchiseptica

Please ensure that your veterinarian provides a certificate that states the vaccine duration.

Blood Tests

Anti-body titre test after receiving a booster of the rabies vaccine.


Non-commercial: Health certificate is issued if owner/representative arrives in the UK/Ireland within 5 days before/after arrival of pet.

Commercial: If owner already resides in the country or will arrive more than 5 days before/after pet will arrive. South African Export Law required that commercial health certificates may only be certified at an approved registered quarantine export facility.

For both non-commercial and commercial we will need the owner to complete a ToR (transfer of residency) into the UK. This will avoid additional penalties on arrival.

NOTE: Any fraudulent dates will result in penalties paid upon arrival of pet.

Pre-Export Preparation Summary
  • Microchip (please keep ALL original documentation).
  • Up to date vaccination booklet (5-in-1 dogs, 3-in-1 cats, rabies for cats and dogs). More than 30 days and less than 12 months.
  • RNATT test certificate (proof of rabies neutralising antibody titration test).
  • Entry into the UK/Ireland is only allowed a minimum of 3 months after the date of the blood drawn for the rabies titre test. This result must be valid.
IMPORTANT NOTE: Blood can only be drawn after 30 days if your pet has been re-vaccinated. Failure to comply will result in your pet not receiving their export clearance. Microchip your pet before or on the same day that they receive their rabies vaccination.